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A story of savoir-faire. The CHANEL 2023/24MÉTIERS D’ART Collection

The artistic directors and artisans of the Maisons d’art Lesage, Atelier Montex, Maison Michel, Goossens and Lemarié open the doors of their ateliers to Charlotte Stockdale and Katie Lyall, founders of the British magazine CHAOS SixtyNine. Together, they evoke the creative dialogue with Virginie Viard, Artistic Director of CHANEL’s Fashion collections, and the making of the CHANEL 2023/24 Métiers d’art collection, revealing the unique gestures of their crafts.

The collection is now available in boutiques.

Annika Djurgårdsbrunnskanalen

Hi, I am from Stockholm Sweden, and now in the USA (Houston). Design; Decorative and Applied Art; Fashion; Interior and Textile Design- from Uppsala University (Sweden) I do Graphics, Art, Fashion projects I am now Affluent Attorney and Chief Creative Officer position Chief Creative Officer for Art of Whiskey/A-Society Thankful to God and my sister for new beginnings, blessings, & opportunities. "De som önskar att sjunga hittar alltid en låt." (In USA is: "Those who wish to sing, always will find a song.") :)